Join Today!
The San Diego County Flower & Plant Association is always looking for new members. To become a member, fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

Criteria 1
You are actively involved in the horticulture industry as a grower, wholesaler, broker, or shipper.

Criteria 2
You are an Allied Trade Supplier.

Criteria 3
You are an educator, student, firm, or organization interested in supporting the industry.
If you DO NOT have a user name or password please choose your membership type below to complete your member profile.
If you need to PURCHASE membership click the button below.
Here are a few of the Highlight & Benefits you will receive after becoming a member.
- The Membership Directory and Buyers Guide: Ads can be placed in our Annual Membership Directory and Buyers’ Guide in sizes ranging from full-page color to quarter page. A copy of the Directory is mailed to current members of the Association upon completion of the publication in January. Courtesy copies are sent to cut flower and potted plant buyers across the country.
- Website: As a member you are added to our well established web site where you can be linked with buyers around the world while promoting commerce and agriculture in Southern California.
- Scholarships: We annually award deserving students scholarships to help secure the future growth of agriculture in San Diego/Southern California. We are hoping to encourage internships from our membership for these students.
- Educational programs: We have educational programs that we continually are looking for suggestions to fill our members needs. Established programs are a Pesticide training class in Spanish with English sub titles and a First Aide Safety and CPR training.
- Governmental Liaison: We represent you and your concerns with the sources of the Cooperative Extension of the University of California, the San Diego County Farm Bureau, the California Department of Food & Agriculture.
- Marketing & Promotion: We are continually looking for ways to promote the industry and help you market and promote your business. With a variety of electronic and paper media we are keeping the industry and you front and center. Currently we have a Facebook page, Website, Directory, Bulletin Board, and more.
- Bulletin Board: Twice a month we publish a bulletin board email to all members, sister associations and hundreds of interested readers. We do offer adverting free of charge to members. Non members pay $25.00. We work closely with the San Diego County Farm Bureau to stay on top of important issues that concern our membership’s best interest.
- Social Events: We are a very social association. We have 5 scheduled events annually.
June – Annual meeting (induction of new board, award scholarship, award outstanding person of the year.)
September – Golf Tournament
October – Living Plant Growers Assoc. meeting
January – Holiday Party
April – Spring Meeting